Install GraalVM on macOS

GraalVM is a high-performance virtual machine built by Oracle that can run applications written in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, R, JVM-based languages such as Java, Scala, Kotlin, and LLVM-based languages. like C and C++. Using GraalVM, you do not need to install many different software to program in different languages, just install GraalVM is enough. In this tutorial, I will guide you all how to install GraalVM on macOS.

To install GraalVM, first go to GraalVM currently has two Community and Enterprise editions, and you can see the differences in the two versions on this download page. Here, I will be using the Community version, so I will go to the page to download the GraalVM installation file.

After downloading the GraalVM installation file, unzip this file:

Install GraalVM on macOS

To use GraalVM anywhere on your machine, you need to set the environment variable pointing to the bin directory of the GraalVM directory. But since I currently have a Java version installed on my machine, to avoid touching, I just export a GRAALVM_HOME variable that points to the GraalVM Home folder.

To export the GRAALVM_HOME variable as I said above, I would open the .bash_profile file inside the user directory and add the following line:

Run the following command for our installation to take effect immediately:

If you are using macOS Catalina or later, you need to run the following command to remove the checking software of macOS:

My example is as follows:

OK, now I can check the results.

To check out the Java version that GraalVM has, you can use the following command


Install GraalVM on macOS

By default, GraalVM only supports Java language, for other languages like NodeJS, Ruby, R, Python, … if you need to use it, let use the gu tool in the bin directory of the GraalVM installation directory to install them. For example, if I need to install NodeJS, I will run the following command:


Install GraalVM on macOS

Check NodeJS version:

and npm version:


Install GraalVM on macOS

You can also install Ruby as follows:


Install GraalVM on macOS

To build Native Images, you can also install the native-image component as follows:


It is great, isn’t it? 🙂

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