Install and use Compare plugin in Notepad++

Compare plugin in Notepad++ is a plugin that allows us to compare any two files that are opened in Notepad++, to see the difference between them clearly. In this tutorial, I will guide you how to install and use the basic with this plugin.


To install the Compare plugin in Notepad++, go to Plugins, select Plugin Manager and select Show Plugin Manager:

Install and use Compare plugin in Notepad ++

The Plugin Manager window will appear. In the Available tab, click on the Compare plugin as follows:

Install and use Compare plugin in Notepad ++

Then press the Install button.

Once installed, we will need to restart Notepad++ for the installation to take effect.


Install and use Compare plugin in Notepad ++


To use Compare plugin to compare any two files, first you need to open those 2 files in Notepad++. Suppose I have 2 files as follows:

Install and use Compare plugin in Notepad ++


Install and use Compare plugin in Notepad ++

Now, to compare these two files, you can go to the Plugins menu, select Compare and then select Compare:

Install and use Compare plugin in Notepad ++

Or you can also use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + C.

The results will look like this:

Install and use Compare plugin in Notepad ++

As you can see, we will easily see the difference between the two files that we need to compare, right?

To exit the comparison window, go to Plugins, select Compare, and select Clear Active Compare:

Install and use Compare plugin in Notepad ++

Or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + X.


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