Interpolation directive in Angular

When creating any new Angular project, you’ll see the default in the app.component.html file, thing, which in the tutorial about Angular’s Component I call it placeholder {{title}}, actually its name must be the Interpolation directive, which is used to display the data from the Component… Read More

Build Pipeline in Jenkins

I talked briefly about Jenkins Pipeline in the tutorial Install Pipeline plugin in Jenkins, in this tutorial, I will guide you through the basic steps to use Pipeline, to build any project in the Jenkins. For example, I will use the example project in the… Read More

Install Node.js on Window

I have guided you how to install Node.js on macOS in the previous tutorial. In this tutorial, I will guide you to install it in the Windows environment! First, you need to go to the address to download the latest version of Node.js. Then… Read More

Install PHP 7 on CentOS 7

In this tutorial, I guide you on how to install PHP 7 on CentOS 7! First, you need to download the REMI repository file for CentOS containing the latest version of PHP at Because REMI repository depends on EPEL repository, you need to install… Read More