Questions Management – API Question Service – Create api-question-service project using Spring Tool Suite

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The API Question Service is the next service in Phase 1 that we need to build for the Questions Management application. In this tutorial, I will take a look at some important steps in creating a new Spring Boot project for the API Question Service.

In the New Spring Starter Project window, after filling in our project, the Location section also points to the api folder for the questions-management project:

Questions Management – API Question Service – Create api-question-service project using Spring Tool Suite

For the dependencies to be used for the api-question-service project, similar to the API Category Service, we will only use the following dependencies:

Questions Management – API Question Service – Create api-question-service project using Spring Tool Suite


Questions Management – API Question Service – Create api-question-service project using Spring Tool Suite

Next, I’ll revise this project a little bit so that it uses the parent project of the questions-management project.

In this project’s pom.xml file, I will delete the current <parent> and <properties> declarations for using the parent project of the questions-management project:

Then declare the api-question-service project as a module of the questions-management project as follows:

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