Install Kibana on CentOS

Kibana is an GUI tool for searching and displaying logs provided by Elasticsearch. In this tutorial, I will guide you to install this tool on CentOS!

First, just like when installing Elasticsearch, because by default CentOS does not contain Kibana’s installation package, you need to add Kibana’s repository.

If you have installed Elasticsearch before using the repo with baseUrl, you do not need to do this step.

If you have not installed Elasticsearch, then you need to add Kibana public signing key to your computer to Package Manager of your OS trust package from the Kibana repository:

My results are as follows:
Install Kibana on CentOS

Next, you need to create a new file to add Kibana repository:

then add to the file the following content:

Now you can run the following command to install Kibana:

Install Kibana on CentOS

Enter “Y” to continue!

Results of installation:

Install Kibana on CentOS

You need to start Kibana after installation is complete, with the command:

If you want to start it when your computer boots, run the following command:

By default, Kibana will run at port 5601 and will only be accessible by localhost, so after starting Kibana, you can access it using the following URL: http://localhost:5601.

My results are as follows:

Install Kibana on CentOS

If you already have data to display, you can click the Explore on my own option to configure it, otherwise, click Try our sample data to see how Kibana work!

I will choose Try our sample data.

Install Kibana on CentOS

Choose Add data.


Install Kibana on CentOS

You can click on View data and select Dashboard to start! 😀

Install Kibana on CentOS

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