Learn about Consumer Functional Interface in Java

Java 8 introduces a new package containing Functional Interfaces called java.util.function. In this package, we have many interfaces like Consumer, Supplier, Predicate, … In this tutorial, we will learn about Consumer Functional Interface.

The content of this interface is as follows:

Because the Consumer is a Functional Interface, it only defines an abstract method accept(). Besides that, as you can see, it also defines an andThen() default method.

The accept() method is defined with a generic parameter and does not return anything. And we will use this parameter to manipulate, calculate.

For example, we often use the Consumer interface in the forEach() method of Collection objects like List, Set, …

The forEach() method will pass the value of each element in list s to the parameter of the accept() method of the Consumer interface, and here I am using System.out.println() to print the value of this element to the console.


Learn about Consumer Functional Interface in Java

The andThen() method implies that we have a lot of work to do, and using this method allows us to do many things at the same time.


In the example above, we will perform from action 1 to action 2 with the value passed as “Hello”.


Learn about Consumer Functional Interface in Java

In the java.util.function package, we also have some variants of the Consumer Functional Interface:

  • IntConsumer: with parameters in the accept() method of type Integer.
  • DoubleConsumer: with parameters in the accept() method of type Double.
  • LongComsumer: with parameters in the accept() method of type Long.

BiConsumer: The accept() method of this interface contains two parameters with different value types, but the function is similar to the Consumer interface.


Learn about Consumer Functional Interface in Java

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