Learn about Supplier Functional Interface in Java

Supplier is a Functional Interface, so it only contains an abstract method as follows:

This interface simply returns the value in the context that is being used by the get() method.

For example, we have the following list:

Now that I want to use the Supplier interface to get the value of each element in the list and print out to the console, I will write a method like this:

And now we can use this method:

In the above code, instead of using the Consumer interface, I used the print() method with the Supplier interface parameter, which is the value of each element in the list.


Learn about Supplier Functional Interface in Java

Like the Consumer interface, here are some variations of the Supplier interface:

  • Interface IntSupplier: The getAsInt() method returns the Integer value.
  • Interface DoubleSupplier: with the getAsDouble() method returns a Double value.
  • LongSupplier interface: with the getAsLong() method returns a Long value.
  • Interface BooleanSupplier: The getAsBoolean() method returns the Integer value.

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