Questions Management – API Category Service – Build API remove category using Spring WebFlux

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In the previous tutorial, we have prepared all the necessary configurations to build API remove a category using Spring WebFlux in our Questions Management application such as: a Category object that holds information about a category, a CoreCategoryService interface with a CoreCategoryServiceImpl implementation that is responsible for working with the Core Category Service, a CategoryController defines the APIs of the API Category Service that will start with “/category” and information about the Core Category Service is configured in the file. Now, let’s build this API!

To build the category deletion API, I first add a new deleteCategory() method in the CoreCategoryService interface:

with the implementation of this method in the CoreCategoryServiceImpl class is as follows:

As you can see, here I have used the WebClient object to connect to the Core Category Service and call the API remove a category of this service with the “/category/{id}” URI.

Next, I will add a method call to the CoreCategoryService deleteCategory() method to expose a DELETE request “/category/{id}” in CategoryController as follows:

Now that we have completed the construction of the API remove a category in API Category Service, let’s test it.

Suppose our current Question Management application has the following categories:

Questions Management - API Category Service - Build API remove category using Spring WebFlux

the when I request to remove the category with id “5b469aafe77a570af0f3cf33”, the result will be:

Questions Management - API Category Service - Build API remove category using Spring WebFlux

Now we will add a new Unit Test for the code that we just added.

In the previous tutorial, I created a class test for CategoryController named CategoryControllerTest, a Mock object for CoreCategoryService, and injected this Mock object into the CategoryController class, initializing the mock every time I run a test case:

Now we will add two methods to test the method of deleteCategory() of the CategoryController class as follows:

A method to test if there is a category based on passing id:

A method to test for the absence of category based on passing id:

Run “Maven test” in STS or “mvn test” with Apache Maven, you will not see any errors.

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