Questions Management – API Option Service – Build API delete option using Spring WebFlux

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In the previous tutorial, we prepared all the necessary configurations to be able to construct API delete option such as an object containing all the information of an Option; a CoreOptionService interface with the implementation CoreOptionServiceImpl is responsible for handling the Core Option Service; an OptionController defines the APIs for the API Option Service that will start with “/option” and information about the Core Option Service is configured in the file. Now, let’s build this API!

To build API delete option, I would first add a new deleteOption() method in the CoreOptionService interface:

The implementation of this method calls the Core Option Service in the CoreOptionServiceImpl class as follows:

As you can see, here I have used the WebClient object to connect to the Core Option Service and call the API delete option of this service with the URI “/option/{id}”.

Next, I’m going to add a method in OptionController that calls the deleteOption() method of CoreOptionService to expose a DELETE request “/option/{id}” as follows:

At this point, we have completed the API delete option for the API Option Service, let’s try it out.

Assuming the current in the database I have the following options:

Questions Management – API Option Service – Build API deletion option using Spring WebFlux

so If I delete option with id 5b871766f62c5604f6a6a8fb, the result will be as follows:

Questions Management – API Option Service – Build API deletion option using Spring WebFlux

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