Questions Management – Core Option Service – Build API delete options by question id using Spring WebFlux and Spring Data MongoDB Reactive

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In the previous tutorial, we prepared all the necessary configurations to build API delete options by question id such as a Option document object containing the information of an option, an OptionRepository to manipulate MongoDB, an OptionController defines the Core Option Service APIs that will start with “/option” and the connection information to the MongoDB server is configured in the file. Now, let’s build this API!

To build the API to remove options by question id, I would add a new method in the OptionController class to expose a DELETE request with the request parameter “questionId”. questionId is the id of the question that we need to delete:

The steps to delete options by question id include:

First, we will find all the options of this question id using the findByQuestionId() method in the OptionRepository class.

For each record returned, we will use the delete() method of the OptionRepository to delete that record.

Here, don’t care we are having the options belong to this question id that we need to delete or not, we will also return status as HTTP 200 OK.

The entire contents of the deleteByQuestionId() method will now look like this:

Here we have completed the construction of the API remove the options by question id for Core Option Service, let’s test it!

Suppose I currently have the following options:

Questions Management – Core Option Service – Build API delete options by question id using Spring WebFlux and Spring Data MongoDB Reactive

the when I delete all options with question id is 5b4bd6ff2da618063872fc3b, the result will be:

Questions Management – Core Option Service – Build API delete options by question id using Spring WebFlux and Spring Data MongoDB Reactive

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