Questions Management – Core Option Service – Build API to create a new option using Spring WebFlux and Spring Data MongoDB Reactive

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Before we go into building the first API for the Core Option Service, we need to prepare the following:

First, we need to create an OptionRepository interface extends from the ReactiveMongoRepository interface to manipulate the MongoDB database.

The contents of the OptionRepository interface will look like this:

with the Option document object:

You can see the tutorial Reactive REST APIs with Spring Data MongoDB Reactive and Spring WebFlux for more information.

Next I will configure the connection to the MongoDB server.

Currently I am using MongoDB server without authentication mode so I just declare the following in file:

I will run this service using port 8083 so I will add the server.port property in the file as follows:

OK, everything is ready, now we will go to the main part of this tutorial.

I will create a controller named OptionController with the following content:

With this declaration, I expose APIs for the Core Option Service with the request URL starting with “/option”.

To work with MongoDB server, we need to inject OptionRepository into OptionController class as follows:

To build API to add a new option, I will add a method to expose a POST request “/add” with data in the body as the Option document object:

Because Spring MongoDB Reactive has provided us with the save() method to save the data to MongoDB, we just need to call this method:

At this point, we have completed the API to create a new option for the Core Option Service, let’s test it.

Questions Management – Core Option Service – Build API to create a new option using Spring WebFlux and Spring Data MongoDB Reactive

The last thing we need to do is add a new Unit Test to the code we just added.

I will create a new class called OptionControllerTest located in the src/test/java package to test the OptionController class.

Mock OptionRepository class:

Inject the mock object of the OptionRepository to the OptionController class:

To use mock objects, we have to initialize them one by one so I will add a method with the JUnit @Before annotation as follows:

The code to test the createOption() method is as follows:

Run “Maven test” in STS or “mvn test” with Apache Maven, you will not see any errors.

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