Questions Management – Frontend – Build category deletion using Angular

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We have prepared the necessary information to build category deletion using Angular in the Frontend section of our Questions Management application such as a CategoryService for calling the API Category Service, a Category object for containing the information of a category, the section displays all the categories in the system. Now we will go into the details of the construction of this category deletion.

First, I will add a method in the CategoriesService to call the API Category Service for removing the category, as follows:

Next, I will modify the code of the button delete in the table display all categories as follows:

We need the user to confirm each time they click the Delete button so in the CategoriesComponent class, I will add a new method for the delete section with the following content:

At this point, we have completed the construction of the category deletion for the Frontend section of the QuestionsManagement application. Let’s run the test.

Suppose, I currently have the following categories:

Questions Management – Frontend – Build category deletion using Angular

Now, if you click the delete category with code is 123ABC, you will see a window to confirm the deletion:

Questions Management – Frontend – Build category deletion using Angular

If you really want to delete then you just press OK button is okay.

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