“run” command of Kubernetes Controller

The “run” command of the Kubernetes Controller is used only to create a new Pod in the Kubernetes cluster. This command makes it easy for beginners to learn about Kubernetes to deploy a Pod and thus easily deploy a container in a Kubernetes cluster. In this tutorial, we will learn about this command together!

The basic syntax of the “run” command is as follows:


  • <image_name> is the image name that you will use to run the container. Kubernetes supports Docker Hub and some Private Registry such as Google Container Registry, AWS EC2 Container Registry, …
  • <name> is the name of the Pod after we initialize the container with the image above.

For example, now I will run a container using image node-hello from the Google Container Registry at the address https://console.cloud.google.com/gcr/images/google-samples/GLOBAL/node-hello as follows:


As you can see, after running the above command, a message is printed telling us that a Pod has been created “pod/node-hello” created”.

You can check the information of the Pods in the current Kubernetes cluster using the command:

My result is as follows:

As you can see, there is currently a Pod called node-hello running!

You can use the command:

to get information of this Pod:

By default, when you run the “run” command, our container will be created and run in the background inside the cluster. To access this container, you can use the following command:

with container_name is the name of the container in the Pod that we need to access.

My example is as follows:


If the Pod has only one container, we can also use the Pod name to access that container as well.

In my example, this Pod has only one container, so I can access the container in this Pod as follows:


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