Using @RequestMapping annotation with attribute produces in Spring MVC

To specify the data format that will be returned to the user when they request a URL, in Spring MVC we can use the @RequestMapping annotation with the produces attribute. How is it in detail? Let’s find out in this tutorial!

First, I will create a Maven project as an example:

Using @RequestMapping annotation with attribute produces in Spring MVC

If you do not know how to create the project, just follow the instructions in this tutorial.

I will change the default version of the dependencies as follows:

To run this project, I will use the Maven Jetty Plugin:

Now, I will define a new Controller located in the com.huongdanjava.springmvcrequestmapping package called HelloController. This controller defines a request and when the user requests it, it returns the text “Hello World!”. The content of StudentController is as follows:

Now, if you use Postman to check the results, you will see that the request returns “Hello World!” with the following header:

Using @RequestMapping annotation with attribute produces in Spring MVC

The data returned in data format text/plain.

Now, if you want the data returned in JSON format, you can add the produces attribute in the @RequestMapping annotation with the value of “application/json” as follows:

then, we will get the result with the header as follows:

Using @RequestMapping annotation with attribute produces in Spring MVC

As you can see, the content type returned at this time is application/json and not text/plain anymore. Of course, if you want: the text returned, you should change it to JSON format.

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