Assignment operator in Java

In Java, we have the following assignment operators:

  • =
  • +=
  • -=
  • *=
  • /=

– The assignment operator “=” is used most often, which is used to initialize the variable and assign a new value to it.


Assignment operator in Java

You cannot use this assignment operator to assign a boolean value to a variable of type char, byte, short, int, long or float, or double and vice versa. If you try to do that then the compile error will occur.

Assignment operator in Java

You cannot assign a variable whose data type has a larger range value to a variable whose value type has a smaller range value.

For example, we cannot assign a variable of type long to a variable of type int:

Assignment operator in Java

That’s because the range value of the long type is greater than int.

The remaining operators include “+ =”, “- =”, “* =”, “/ =” are abbreviations for summation, subtraction, multiplication and division with the assignment operator.

  • “+=”: first plus then assign.
  • “-=”: the first is the subtraction followed by the assignment.
  • “*=”: first multiply then assign.
  • “/=”: first divide then assign.

For example, we have the following calculation:

which means that


which means that

Similarly to divide and multiply.

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