An introduction about Micronaut

I introduced you to Quarkus, a Java framework that makes it possible to build Java Cloud Native applications, reducing application start time and reducing the memory footprint used to run applications. Micronaut is also one of the frameworks that allow us to do this. Combined… Read More

Install Nginx using Docker

In the previous tutorial, I showed you how to install Nginx on CentOS. If using Docker, how to install Nginx? In this tutorial, I will guide you! First, you need to go to the Docker Hub official build page of Nginx, select the latest… Read More

Caching with EhCache

Caching is sometimes a very important problem for some applications with a lot of user requests. It both solves application performance issues and minimizes application-related I/O operations. In this tutorial, I introduce you to EhCache, an open-source caching that is used by many people. First,… Read More

Introduction about Quarkus

Today, developing and deploying applications to the Cloud is no longer a strange thing. We don’t need to worry much about the infrastructure to deploy the application, everything Cloud Providers has already installed, we just focus on developing the application. The trend of deploying applications… Read More