Introduction to gRPC

RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call, which is a mechanism that allows you to call a function or method of a program on one machine from another machine. It’s similar to RMI, Remote Method Invocation, in Java! gRPC is an open-source, high-performance framework implemented by… Read More

Install JDK using SDKMAN

I have guided you how to install Oracle JDK on macOS by downloading the Oracle JDK installation files and installing it manually. There is another way that is much more convenient and easier which is to use the SDKMAN (Software Development Kit Manager) tool. How… Read More

Basics about Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform that helps us create and process real-time data streams. You can imagine systems where data is generated every second and needs to be processed, such as traffic management systems, weather management systems, data will be generated… Read More