Install Filebeat on CentOS

Usually, when deploying applications to a production environment, we will deploy to many different servers. Managing logs on many servers will cause a lot of difficulties, time, and inefficiencies. It would be better if we used a solution to centralize all of the logging files.… Read More

Install Kibana on CentOS

Kibana is an GUI tool for searching and displaying logs provided by Elasticsearch. In this tutorial, I will guide you to install this tool on CentOS! First, just like when installing Elasticsearch, because by default CentOS does not contain Kibana’s installation package, you need to… Read More

Install Nginx on CentOS

Nginx is a web server used to run web pages, similar to the Apache HTTP server with high performance. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Nginx on CentOS! First, because the CentOS default Repository does not contain Nginx’s installation package, you… Read More

Install Elasticsearch on CentOS

Elasticsearch, from its name, can you also guess that it is related to search? It is a search engine built from Apache Lucene that helps us to search quickly using RESTful Web Service. It was developed using Java language and is a distributed system, easily… Read More