Add new client in Keycloak

Clients in Keycloak are applications that interact with it for authentication and authorization. Adding a new client in Keycloak is letting it manage all clients that will connect to it, according to which protocol, which standard authentication and authorization. In this tutorial, I will show… Read More

Install Keycloak standalone server

Keycloak is an open-source software for managing access for any application. It supports many different authentication and authorization standards such as Single Sign-On (basically, we can use our login information for many different applications), OpenID Connect, LDAP, and more … In this tutorial, I will… Read More

Introduce about text block in Java

Previously, when declaring a multi-line text in Java, for example:

We will usually declare the following:

Result: But from Java 13 onwards, you do not need to declare so anymore. Java now supports the text blocks with the ability to declare multiple lines… Read More

Grant types in OAuth 2.0

The grant type is how OAuth 2.0’s Authorization Server can process and verify that the Client Application is eligible for access to the Resource Server. There are 5 types of grant types that OAuth 2.0 defines in its spec: Authorization Code Implicit Resource Owner Password… Read More

Install Java JDK

To work with the Java programming language, the first thing you need to do is set up the environment to run the application with the Java JDK. In this article, I will guide you through the steps to install Java JDK! To install Java JDK,… Read More

Overview about OAuth 2.0

OAuth (Open Authorization) 2.0 is a standard that defines how third-party applications can access user information and resources related to this user in another application. It makes it possible for third-party applications to access resources without knowing the credentials of the user who owns those… Read More